
Jelena Skerlić Ćorović

Pseudonyms J. C-h. ; J.Ć. ; J. Ćorović
Spouse Vladimir Ćorović
Date of birth October 16, 1887
Date of death February 16, 1960
Web address

Personal situation

She was born in 1887, as Jelena Skerlić, the sister of the famous literary critic Jovan Skerlić. In 1910, she married Vladimir Ćorović, a distinguished professor of history, rector of the University of Belgrade and member of the Serbian Royal Academy, with whom she had a daughter. In 1919, Vladimir received tenure as a professor at the Faculty of Philology, and Jelena took up residence in Belgrade. She died in 1960.

Place of birth Beograd
Place(s) of residence Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Switzerland
Place of death Beograd
Nationality Serbian
First language(s) Serbian
Marital status Married
Number of children 2
Name(s) of children Mirjana, Milica
Gender of children F
Education University education
Religion Eastern orthodox

Professional situation

She translated from French and English, mostly short stories and novels by Maupassant, but also works by Jules Lemaitre, Claude Farrère, Ernest Renan, Henri Lavedan, Chamfort and Dostoevsky. In 1932, she published, along with the literary analysis of Khayyam poems, the adaptation of nine rubaiyats based on Fitzgerald’s translation, and a second volume containing seventy-five rubaiyats, which she had adapted from the French prosaic translation of the original. She wrote a series of articles, memoirist fragments on Milovan Glišić, Bogdan and Pavle Pavlović, as well as autobiographical sketches on her childhood and the life of her famous brother Jovan Skerlić. 

Profession(s) and other activities translator, translator from English, translator from French, literary critic, and teacher/governess
Language(s) in which she wrote Serbian
Financial aspects of her career Stipend/allowance/pension

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