Jelena Skerlić Ćorović
1887–1960Pseudonyms | J. C-h. ; J.Ć. ; J. Ćorović |
Spouse | Vladimir Ćorović |
Date of birth | October 16, 1887 |
Date of death | February 16, 1960 |
Web address |
Personal situation
She was born in 1887, as Jelena Skerlić, the sister of the famous literary critic Jovan Skerlić. In 1910, she married Vladimir Ćorović, a distinguished professor of history, rector of the University of Belgrade and member of the Serbian Royal Academy, with whom she had a daughter. In 1919, Vladimir received tenure as a professor at the Faculty of Philology, and Jelena took up residence in Belgrade. She died in 1960.
Place of birth | Beograd |
Place(s) of residence | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Switzerland |
Place of death | Beograd |
Nationality | Serbian |
First language(s) | Serbian |
Marital status | Married |
Number of children | 2 |
Name(s) of children | Mirjana, Milica |
Gender of children | F |
Education | University education |
Religion | Eastern orthodox |
Professional situation
She translated from French and English, mostly short stories and novels by Maupassant, but also works by Jules Lemaitre, Claude Farrère, Ernest Renan, Henri Lavedan, Chamfort and Dostoevsky. In 1932, she published, along with the literary analysis of Khayyam poems, the adaptation of nine rubaiyats based on Fitzgerald’s translation, and a second volume containing seventy-five rubaiyats, which she had adapted from the French prosaic translation of the original. She wrote a series of articles, memoirist fragments on Milovan Glišić, Bogdan and Pavle Pavlović, as well as autobiographical sketches on her childhood and the life of her famous brother Jovan Skerlić.
Profession(s) and other activities | translator, translator from English, translator from French, literary critic, and teacher/governess |
Language(s) in which she wrote | Serbian |
Financial aspects of her career | Stipend/allowance/pension |
Works by this author
Articles and other similar texts
- Knjiga jedne žene vojnika januar 1928
- Mara Đorđević - Malagurska: Vita Đanina i druge pripovetke iz bunjevačkog života 1933
- Jedna persiska pesma i jedna bosanska sevdalinka 1938
- Porodična pisma J.Skerlića 1964
- O Skerlićevim roditeljima: neke moje uspomene iz detinjstva i mladosti 1964
- Sećanje na Milovana Glišića 1997
- Bogdan i Pavle Popović 1998
- Mečkari 1905
- Mala Roka 1909
- U porodici 1910
- Gospodin Paran 1912
- Istorija mojih knjiga. Numa Rumestan 1912
- Ograničavanje polja i postanak svojine (iz „Ostrva Pingvina“) 1913
- Maksime i misli 1914
- Zaštitnik 1914
- Naše srce 1917
- Sebastian Roch 1919
- Epikurov vrt 1920
- Iz mornarskog života: priče 1920
- Budizam 1921
- Mršava mačka 1921
- Život Isusov 1921
- Prva pomisao. Na marginaliji Zend-Aveste 1923
- Osveta 1923
- Odlomci iz dnevnika G-đe Klelije Eponine Dipon (1795-179...). Na marginalijama proklamacije đenerala Bonaparte 1923
- Dulčinea. Na marginalijama Don Kihota 1923
- Žil Lemetr, Na marginama Eneide (Sestra Ana) 1925.
- Žil Lemetr, Buđenje senki 1925.
- Grof de Gobino, Rat sa Turkomanima, prvi deo 1926.
- Grof de Gobino, Rat sa Turkomanima, drugi deo 1926.
- Grof de Gobino, Rat sa Turkomanima, treći deo 1926.
- Žil Lemetr, Devica s anđelima (Na Marginama Jevanđelja) 1926.
- Flora Sendes, Jedna noć na maćedonskom bojištu 1928.
- Alfons Dode, Jedno begstvo (Napisano u vreme Komune) 1928.
- Nikola Segir, Razgovori sa Anatolom Fransom, Bioskopi i Amerikanci 1929.
- Rudjard Kipling, Onaj drugi 1929.
- Nikola Segir, Poslednji razgovori sa Anatolom Fransom, Iluzija mira 1929.
- Pripovetke, prva knjiga 1930
- Rubaiati 1932
- Naše srce. Pjer i Žan 1933
- Novele 1933
- Poslednji razgovori sa Anatolom Fransom 1992
Reception during lifetime
- Prevodi g-đe Jelene Skerlić-Ćorović (1. i 16. juli 1921.)
- Zora Prica (1913)
- Bibliografija knjiga ženskih pisaca u Jugoslaviji (1936)
- Naša žena u književnom stvaranju (1941)
Reception after death
- Bogdan i Pavle Popović u memoarskim zapisima Jelene Skerlić Ćorović (1998)
- Kroz sećanja Jelene Skerlić Ćorović ili 'Praznine koje ostaju' (2014)
- Jelena Skerlić Ćorović: Život među ljudima. Memoarski zapisi (2014)
- Jučerašnji svet (2015)
- Portreti Jelene Skerlić Ćorović (2015)
- Duboki tragovi sećanja kroz pero Jelene Skerlić Ćorović (2016)
- Memoari Jelene Skerlić Ćorović (2016)
Authors read by this author
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