Milka Grgurova
1840–1924Spouse | Matić, Konstantin Aleksić |
Date of birth | February 14, 1840 |
Date of death | March 25, 1924 |
Web address |
Personal situation
Milka Grgurova was born into a wealthy family of merchants in Sombor. When she was twelve, her parents sent her to an educational institute for girls, where she spent three years. Her father’s bankruptcy forced her to return home. Milka’s father considered that selling their estate in Sombor along with his entire business and his daughter’s hand in marriage to the rich merchant Matić from Sremski Karlovci was the only possible solution to his financial crisis. At sixteen, Milka got married and moved to Sremski Karlovci. Her stay in Sremski Karlovci was rather brief: after the birth of her daughter Evica, the child and Milka returned to her parents’ home in Sombor. On one occasion, an amateur theatre on tour performed in Sombor. Milka was offered a role in one of their plays, which she accepted. Having received her parents’ half-hearted permission and blessing, she left home to become an actress. She was only 23 years old when she became a member of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad.
Milka left Novi Sad after giving guest performances with her company in Belgrade during the season of 1867/8. This move was facilitated by the fact that the National Theatre had been founded in Belgrade and was under the management of Jovan Đorđević. The larger part of the company moved to Belgrade, where they would give their biggest stage performances for the next 40 years. Milka Grgurova was called the “Serbian Sarah Bernard”. As an “unparalleled tragedy actress”, she managed to play more than 500 roles from the international and national repertoire. She remarried in 1882 to Colonel Konstantin Aleksić. During the period of their harmonious and happy marriage she began to write: encouraged by her husband, Grgurova wrote more than 50 short stories scattered across Serbian periodicals of that time. She published a collection of short stories in 1897. She was 63 when she retired in 1902, having spent 38 years on the stage of our two oldest and most prominent theatres in Serbia. She died of old age when she was 84, in a small room behind the theatre near Manjež park, alone, poor and almost forgotten.
Place of birth | Sombor |
Place(s) of residence | Serbia |
Place of death | Beograd |
First language(s) | Serbian |
Marital status | Remarried |
Number of children | 1 |
Name(s) of children | Evica |
Gender of children | F |
Education | Self-educated and School education |
Professional situation
As an exceptionally talented actress, Milka Grgurova became a member of the Serbian National Theatre when she was 23. She gave her first performance on stage during a visit to Vinkovci in 1864. Ever since then, acting awards and credits followed one after another. Supported by Jovan Đorđević, the founder of the National Theatre in Belgrade and her first director, she moved to Belgrade in 1868, where she would act as a member of the National Theatre for the next 34 years. She significantly raised the quality of professional acting in Serbian theatre. The pinnacle of her career is considered to be the period between 1870 and 1889. Even though her literary work was much publicized and scrutinized in the press, its reception was mainly negative. Aside from short stories, she wrote short travelogues, autobiographical sketches, obituaries, polemics, and theatre reviews.
Profession(s) and other activities | translator, fiction writer/novelist, and actress |
Language(s) in which she wrote | Serbian |
Financial aspects of her career | Salary |
Memberships | Other |
Works by this author
- Pripovetke Milke Aleksić-Grgurove: I Vera, II, Đerdan od bisera 1897
- Atentatorka Ilka 1911
- Atentatorka Ilka i druge priče 2014
Articles and other similar texts
- Pismo Milke Grgurove povodom neobjektivne kritike u „Vidovdanu“, 8. mart 1870 1870
- Odgovor povodom članka „Narodno pozorište“ u broju 8 „Videla“ od 1887 1887
- Ljubomorstvo 1894
- Nada 1894
- Milo za drago 1895
- Badnje veče 1896
- Mati i kći 1896
- Dve žene 1896
- Dvije sestre 1897
- Konstantin Aleksić 1897
- U času opasnosti 1897
- Nesretan slučaj 1898
- Pred ikonom 1898
- Moj prvi debi 1898
- Sirotinjska majka 1898
- Moderni način života 1898
- Ukrađeno dete 1898
- Božićna jelka 1899
- U Zmajevu spomenicu 1899
- Opasna prijateljica 1899
- Slikar i njegova porodica 1899
- Božidar 1899
- Prolazni san 1899
- Pavlova nevesta 1899
- Ratari 1899
- Lepa Tatijana 1900
- Crna kuća 1900
- Ciganka 1900
- Preko ljestvica 1900
- Crtice iz glumačkog života 1901
- Tri prijatelja 1901
- Iz inata 1901
- Što dikla navikla 1901
- Sve iz ljubomore 1902
- Moj put u Mostar 1903
- Porodica Smiljanićeva 1904
- Tvrdica 1905
- Štednja mladih oficira 1906
- Dobrila 1906
- O Ribarskoj Banji 1906
- Koder 1907
- Mara Bunjevka 1907
- Vrlina pobeđuje 1908
- Žur 1908
- Porodični sud 1909
- Pesniku 1909
- Iskušenje 1909
- Milijonareva ćerka 1910
- Moja lepa saputnica 1910
- Posle deset godina 1910
- Autobiografija 1913
- Pripovedačice : Milka K. Aleksić-Grgurova 1913
- Ljubav jedne plemenite devojke 1914
Non-book materials/ Other material
- Dva pisma Milke Grgurove Jovanu Đorđeviću iz Vinkovaca i Broda 1864 i 1865
- Četiri pisma Milke Grgurove Jovanu Đorđeviću, 1864. 1864
- Četiri pisma J. Đorđeviću u kojem ga izveštava o smrti majke 1867
- Pismo upućeno predsedniku Pozorišnog odbora 21. jula 1868. 1868
- Dva pisma upravniku povodom angažmana njene sestre Mare Grgurove 1871
- Pismo upućeno Knezu Milanu Obrenoviću, 12. juna 1873. 1873
- Grupa glumaca se obraća Upravitelju Narodnog pozorišta, 23. decembra 1885. 1885
- Pismo Upravi narodnog pozorišta 19. juna 1887. 1887
- Pismo glumaca Narodnog pozorišta Ministru prosvete, 26. novembra 1890. 1890
- Pismo Milke Grgurove od 10. avgusta 1895. 1895
- Dva pisma uredniku lista „Ženski svet“ 20. februara 1905. i 26. 2. 1905. 1905
- Pismo Upravniku Narodnog pozorišta – Ministru prosvete, 20. decembra 1911. oko penzija 1911
Reception during lifetime
- Iz knjiga i života (1896)
- Kralj Milan o glumici Milki Grgurovoj (1912)
Reception after death
- Milka Grgurova (26.3.1924.)
- Naša žena u književnom stvaranju (1941)
- Milka Grgurova (1954)
- Sudbina jedne neštampane zbirke pripovedaka Milke Grgurove (1968)
- Milka Grgurova: naša najbolja, najslavnija tragetkinja druge polovine XIX veka, prevodilac i pripovedač (1980)
- Milka Grgurova: katalog izložbe (1990)
- Milka Grgurova (2001)
- Svitanja i suton Milke Grgurove (2003)
- Nenadmašna tragetkinja / život i stvaralaštvo Milke Grgurove povodom 170-godišnjice rođenja (2011)
- Značaj književnog stvaralaštva Milke Grgurove (1840-1924) (2014)
- Hronologija života i rada Milke Aleksić Grgurove (1840-1924) (2014.)
- Milka Grgurova - prilog pregledu pripovedne proze srpskih književnica s kraja 19. i početka 20. veka (2015)
- Srpske književnice iz prošlosti i problem kanonizacije: predlozi za prevazilaženje nekih društvenih problema (2015)