
Vukica Aleksijević

Spouse Dimitrije Aleksijević
Other names Vukica Ćurčić
Date of birth September 22, 1882
Date of death March 05, 1942

Personal situation

Born on September 18, 1882 in the Ćurčić family. She finished Serbian and German elementary and girls' school and then went to Sombor in 1898 to the school of teachers, which she graduated from in 1902. She married Dimitrije Aleksijević, a lawyer and at the time a leading contributor to the periodical Zastava (The Flag). They had three children: a daughter, Prvoslava, and sons Časlav and Vlastoje. In 1921, she moved to Belgrade with her family. Her son Časlav died in 1941. She died on March 5, 1942, and was buried at the New Cemetery in Belgrade.

Place of birth Novi Sad
Place(s) of residence Serbia
Place of death Beograd
Nationality Serbian
First language(s) Serbian
Marital status Married
Number of children 3
Name(s) of children Prvoslava, Časlav, Vlastoje
Gender of children F(1), M(2)

Professional situation

She worked on the Zastava (The Flag) newspaper and the Žena (Woman) journal. She was one of the founders of the society Posestrima from Novi Sad, and in Belgrade, she was a vice-president of the Association of Blind Girls.



Aleksijević, Vlastoje D. Savremenici i poslednici Dositeja Obradovića i Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića, sveska 15, str. 5-8 

Translated by Marija Bulatović

Profession(s) and other activities contributor to periodical press
Language(s) in which she wrote Serbian


Reception during lifetime

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