
Draga Jovanović

Spouse Jovanović
Date of birth 1885
Date of death 1975

Personal situation

Nationality Serbian
Education University education

Professional situation

A Serbian writer who graduated at the University of Geneva in 1911, majoring in literature. There she also won the first prize for the psychological-dramatic poem "Noć u Veneciji" ("A Night in Venice") (1909). In the first half of the twentieth century, Draga Jovanović published the novels Bez imena (Without a Name) (1931), Verin slučaj (Vera's Case) (1963), collections of short stories Mučenice i grešnice (Women Martyrs and Sinners) (1937), Mozaik stvarnosti i snova (The Mosaic of Reality and Dreams) (1965), a short story "Majka" ("The Mother") (1961), a collection of poems San letnje noći (A Midsummer Night's Dream) (1933) and a drama Jesenja noć – zimska noć (An Autumn Night - Winter Night) (1966). In her work she explored the problems of motherhood, nonmarital pregnancy in a traditional society, love, illness and death.

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