
Sofija Stefanović

Spouse Vladimir Stefanović
Date of birth 1839
Date of death 1919
Web address

Personal situation

She was born in Sombor, according to some sources, in 1839, and according to others, in 1843. In that town, she attended elementary school and high school for girls. She was a handiwork teacher. She was married, and her husband's name was Vladimir.



Aleksijević, Vlastoje D. Savremenici i poslednici Dositeja Obradovića i Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića. sveska 12, str. 199-200

Place of birth Sombor
Nationality Serbian
First language(s) Serbian
Marital status Married

Professional situation

Profession(s) and other activities poet and teacher/governess
Language(s) in which she wrote Serbian

Works by this author


Articles and other similar texts


Reception during lifetime

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